Bear Valley Trail Stewardship
Next Trail Work Day
September 7th - 8:30 - Meet BVAC
All are welcome - Free lunch
More Details Here
A non-profit dedicated to building and improving the trails
in Bear Valley, CA and the region
Our Local BV Trails
For eons the native Miwok and Washoe tribes built and used trails to the many lakes, rivers and mountain tops for hunting and gathering in the greater Bear Valley region. Later the first European settlers used these trails to establish routes across the Central Sierra crest to search for gold and settle California.
Today the Bear Valley region’s trails have taken on a new purpose. They provide recreation for hikers, mountain bikers, equestrians and others user groups. The Bear Valley Trail Stewardship’s mission is to link the local and visitor communities together through the building, maintaining, and enhancement of the region’s recreational trails. The Bear Valley Trail Stewardship invites you to experience our trails and join us in our mission. To stay informed or learn how to get involved, click here to learn more ABOUT BVTS.
~Michael Cooke, BVTS President~