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Bear Valley Region

Trail Maps

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Trail Forks Map of the Bear Valley Region

(click map to go to TrailForks.Com)

Trailforks is a platform for riding associations to keep track of trail conditions, builders to log work & riders to share and plan their rides.


These maps contain every trail in the region along with elevations, and current trail conditions, riding level and much more.

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Report Problems on Local Trails
Trail SOS - 

Add a report below about down trees, rocks slides, erosion problems, etc. and we'll send a team out to make repairs ASAP. Add photos if possible!

Google Map of the Bear Valley Region

(click map)

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Many trails are visible on Google Maps as well as lakes and campgrounds.


You can get directions to visit the BV region as well as scenic drives over Ebbetts Pass.


Click the map to enlarge

Local Topo Maps of Bear Valley Region

(click maps to enlarge)

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Tamarack Quadrangle


Spicer Reservoir Quadrangle

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Hear about BVTS news and trail building events. 

DONATE to help us maintain and build great multi-use trails in the Highway 4 corridor.  Your donations help buy tools and put on "Thank You" events for our trail volunteers    DONATE HERE

CONTACT US - Send all inquiries to:

your inquiry will reach the proper person

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